:doodle { @grid: 10 / 8em; @size: 100%; grid-gap: 5%; overflow: hidden; } :container { grid-gap: 1px; transform: rotate(45deg) scale(1.5); } transition: .5s cubic-bezier(.175, .885, .32, 1.275) @rand(1000ms); background: rgb(@rand(100, 255), @rand(100, 255), @rand(100, 255)); opacity: @rand(0.1, 1); @shape: circle; @size: @rand(1vmax); @place-cell: @rand(90%) @rand(90%); @even(cross) { background: #60569e; @shape: bud 5; @size: @rand(1.5vmax); transform: rotate(@rand(300deg)); }

About Me

My name is Chelle Croke, and I'm passionate about front-end web development and UX design. Exploring color theory enriches my design process, while crafting accessible and responsive apps drives my innovation.

Driven by a love for learning, I quickly adapt to new technologies, ensuring I stay at the forefront of innovation. Each project is an opportunity to expand my skills and push boundaries.

I'm excited to continue learning and growing as a developer. If you'd like to see my work, or have any questions, feel free to reach out!



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